EiUK EUROTRON-Emission Monitoring for Industrial and combustion processes (Model:EiUK Rasi 700)

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 The EiUK Rasi 700 is a true 7 sensors Hand Held Analyser suitable for emission monitoring of combustion and industrial processes. It can be equipped with up to 6 electrochemical sensors to simultanously measure O2, CO, NO, NO2 and SO2 and H2S and miniature CO-IR bench (NDIR = non dispersive infrared technology) for direct CO2% measurement. Special selected sensors can also be installed for the measurement of Low concentration of NO and CO with resolution down to only 0.1 ppm.

A super bright colour 3.5" TFT display with back light and task oriented menu make possible to display simultaneously all the combustions gases and calculated combustion parameters to easily perform the adjustment and tuning or combustion processes, such as process heaters, gas engines and industrial boilers.


EiUK Rasi 700 offers real time data transfer via optional Blue tooth or standard mini USB port to a PC or Notebook for data logging and trend analysis.

The newly integrated but removable water trap uses new special coated Teflon filter ensuring maximum protection to dust and preserving the cells life.

Different probe shaft lengths, diameters and temperature ranges ensure high flexibility for all applications. To change, the probe shaft is simply attached to the probe handle. Special flue gas probes for industrial engines are designed to maximise accuracy on NO2 and SO2 reading. In addition, modular industrial probes are available for rugged process conditions.

Rasi 700 Benefits and Features

  • Simultaneous installation of 7 (5 until July, 2011) measurement sensors
  • Measure O2, CO, NO, NO2, H2S and SO2
  • Measure direct CO2% through NDIR (non dispersive infrared technology) miniature bench
  • Calculate CO2 % and all combustion parameters
  • Special selected Low NO and LOW NO2 sensors
  • True NOX measurement down to 0.1 ppm resolution
  • Emission reporting in mg/m³ and mg/sec
  • Optional CO measurement sensor up to 10%
  • Large 3.5" TFT colour display
  • Real Time data transfer to a PC/Notebook
  • Task oriented menu with easy programme recall
  • Blue Tooth interface / Mini USB / SD card
  • Gas Flow velocity and mass calculation
  • Integral advanced water trap
  • Li-Ion lasting battery operated
  • Less than 800 grams
  • Large selection of sampling probes

Rasi 700 Specification at a glance

Measured Paramter Nominal Range Extended Range Resolution
O2 0 to 21 % n/a 0.1%
CO Low 0-300 ppm n/a 0.1 ppm
CO (H2) 0-4000 ppm 0-10.000 ppm 1 ppm
CO High 0-4000 ppm 0-20.000 ppm 1 ppm
CO Very High 0-4 % 0-10 % 1%
NO 0-1000 ppm 0-4000 ppm 1 ppm
NO2 0-200 ppm 0-1000 ppm 1 ppm
Low NO 0-300 ppm n/a 0.1 ppm
SO2 0-2000 ppm 0-5000 ppm 1 ppm
H2S 0-2500 ppm 0-2500 ppm 1 ppm
NDIR infrared technology (direct CO2% measurement)
CO2 0-20% 0-40% 0.1%
Pressure -100 to +100 mbar n/a 0.1 mbar
Temperature to 1100 deg C n/a 0.1 deg C
Flow 1 m/s to 100 m/s n/a 0.1 m
Reference Variable O2 reference
Emission Paramters Mg/Nm³, NOx as mg/m³ NO2 true measurement of Nox=NO+NO2, including O2 variable reference standard
Combustion Parameters CO2, excess air, heat losses, combustion efficiencies, flue gas dew point, CO/CO2 ratio
Fuel list Natural gas, liquid gas, heavy Oil, light Oil, pellets, wood, bio diesel, user define list

EiUK Emission Gas Analyser Rasi 700 with Bluetooth

Probes for Optima 7 Emission Analyzer

Optima 7 Emission Monitoring Kit

Rasi 700 Applications

  • Commission, Servicing and Maintenance of Industrial Burners and Furnaces
  • Adjusting and Optimization of Gas and Diesel Engine
  • Low NOx measurement on Gas Turbine
  • Industrial Emissions Measurement
  • Combustion Processes Optimization
EiUK Emission Gas Analyser Rasi 700 with Bluetooth

Probes for Optima 7 Emission Analyzer

Optima 7 Emission Monitoring Kit

Resource & Download

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD info@ino.com.vn | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | EiUK EUROTRON-Emission Monitoring for Industrial and combustion processes (Model:EiUK Rasi 700) .