InnovaSonic 207i Ultrasonic Flow Meter: How to Install & Operate
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Learn how to easily install and operate the InnovaSonic 207i Transit-Time Ultrasonic Flow Meter for thermal energy/BTU and liquid applications in this technical training video.
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[Video Summary]
Today, I’m going to show you the 207i UltraSonic Flow meter. I currently have it set up on a 6” pipe. And that’s going to be measuring flow in cubic feet per minute and it’ll be totalizing in cubic feet also.
There’s going to be an upstream transducer, which is indicated by a red heat shrink, and then there’s a downstream transducer that’s marked with blue heat shrink. Currently, I have this mounted in the V configuration.
What tools will you need? Screwdrivers, nut drivers, and some hardware to mount the enclosure. The unit will ship with ultrasonic compound. Every 207i will come with an ultrasonic port. You’ll see it’s connected to the upstream transducer indicated by the red heat shrink. The blue heat shrink indicates the downstream transducer.
You’ll notice that the 207i is built on a main motherboard. Modules in the ultrasonic board are plug-in modules. It has a LCD and full keypad with dual-function keys. Quick keys will take you to particular menus.
The first thing you need to decide is where to mount the unit. You want the transducers away from any elbows and anything that is going to cause turbulence. First thing to do is mount the enclosed tube to some suitable place.
Then go to the quick start menu and hit enter. As far as the pipe outside diameter and wall thickness, you can get those off pipe charts. The more accurate, the better.
The pipe outer diameter on this particular pipe is 6.65”. The wall thickness is .258. This is a carbon steel pipe. There’s no liner. Fluid is simply water. And, we’re running calibration on this so we’ve got the temperature, fluid temperature, very accurately entered. Default 68°. Select the transducers type. We are using the V configuration.
Now, it’s reading this mem key that stores the parameters for this transducer. This graph show the return signal from the transducer.
As you’re attaching the transducers, you’re going to need to verify that you have the spacing correct. If all your pipe dimensions are correct and you’ve got it set to the exact spacing you will get a T-O-M, T-O-S very close to 100%. Sometimes, you’re not going to know the exact dimensions of the pipe and temperature of the water; so, you’re going to end up with 99 or 101. That’s fine. You’re shooting for this line and the beginning of this wave between these two goal posts. If spacing is wrong, this wave form and line will be outside of this window. If it’s too close together, this wave form will be over here towards the edge.
Now, that you can see the spacing we need, 4.93“. You’re ready to draw a straight line across the center line of the pipe. And then, you’re going to put a notch on the pipe with a marker at about the same spacing that it told you in the spacing menu.
Put a good coating of silicone grease that comes with these units on your transducer. Mostly, the little orange area. That’s where sound waves are going to come out. Then, you’re going to clamp on your transducers.
There’s the flow rate in the top line, and the net total in the second line. Everything I talked about on the quick installment can also be configured in an app for the 207i that comes with the unit. Simply plug into the USB port provided, and the other end of the USB port will go to your laptop computer.
Now I’m going to talk about using the 207i for energy applications. You already have a flowing liquid. It has a specific heat; so, the only thing you need in the equation now is the temperature difference between the water going into the heat exchanger and the water coming out. To do that, there’s two ways of getting the temperature data in here.
There’s current input board modules. You can power temperature transmitters. They are set up as passive or active; so, you can power a loop power device with just two wires. If you buy it as a package, you can order temperature transducers. We have two styles, one that straps on the pipe and an insertion type. The best type of a transducer is an insertion type.
The most important measurement is not the absolute temperature of the liquid but the difference between the two. That’s in the formula for calculating BTU energy. When you order these as a set, we’ll calibrate these as a system and calibrate them with the 207i with the matched PT100 boards, and zero these out; so, they actually will measure that difference.
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