AOIP-Cable fault locator (Model: ISOPALM 200)

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Cable fault locator

The fault locator ISOPALM 200 is designed to identify and locate with high precision any faults on telecom cables: insulation faults (bare, blasted, buried wires) and break on wires (partial or total break).

  • Display of fault location in meters
  • Suitable for Pupin coils
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous cables


ISOPALM 200         Cable fault locator

Delivered in standard with:

  • Remote looping device
  • Set of testing leads and crocodile clips
  • User manual
  • Transport case, shoulder strap and stand 

Packing information:

Size                       210 x 110 x 50 mm 

Weight                   900 g

Measurement of AC / DC voltage

Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
-300 to 300 V AC / DC Up to 99.9 V: 0.1 V
From 100 to 300 V: 1 V
±1% RDG + 0.5 V

Resistance measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
0 to 10 KΩ Up to 1000 Ω: 0.1 Ω
Beyond 1000 Ω: 1 Ω
±0.5% RDG + 0,2 Ω

Isolation measurement at test voltage 50 to 100 V

Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
0 to 10 KΩ Up to 1000 Ω: 0.1 Ω
Beyond 1000 Ω: 1 Ω
±0.5% RDG + 0.2 Ω

Isolation measurement at test voltage 150 to 300 V

Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
0 to 5000 MΩ From 0 to 999 kΩ: 2 digits after coma
From 1 MΩ to 9.99 MΩ: 2 digits after coma
From 10 MΩ to 99.9 MΩ: 1 digit after coma
From 100 MΩ to 5 GΩ: 0 digit after coma
From 1 MΩ to 999 MΩ: ±10% RDG
Beyond: ±10% RDG + 30 kΩ

Isolation measurement at test voltage 350 to 500 V

Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
0 to 10000 MΩ From 0 to 999 kΩ: 2 digits after coma
From 1 MΩ to 9.99 MΩ: 2 digits after coma
From 10 MΩ to 99.9 MΩ: 1 digit after coma
From 100 MΩ to 10 GΩ: 0 digit after coma
From 1 MΩ to 999 MΩ: ±10% RDG
Beyond: ±10% RDG + 30 kΩ

Capacitance measurement

Range Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
0 nF to 2 µF From 0 nF to 1000 nF: 1 nF
From 1000 nF to 2000 nF: 2 nF
±1% RDG

Fault location

Type Accuracy / 1 year
Fault between 2 wires on the same pair
Fault between 2 wires on different pairs
Fault between 1 wire and the ground
±1% RDG

Fault location methods integrated into the instrument

Method Principle
Sauty Location of broken wire: With measurement of loop resistance, if Rab > 10 000 Ω, the wire is broken
Test on homogeneous cables
Murray Location of insulation fault: If Ihealthy > 1000, Iunhealthy (ou Ib > 1000 Ia)
Test on homogeneous and heterogeneous cables
Fabe / Küpfmüller Location of insulation fault: If Ihealthy/ Iunhealthy > 2 x Rhealthy/Runhealthy, Ih+Iu > 1000 Rab, Ihealthy and Iunhealthy
Test on homogeneous and heterogeneous cables

General specifications

Size 210 x 110 x 50 mm
Weight 900 g
Display 240 x 320 pixel liquid crystal graphical display with backlite and contrast control
Power supply 230 V ±10 %, 50/60 Hz
Battery Type: Li/Ion
Charging time: 4 h
Lifetime: 10 h

Environmental specifications

Reference range 23°C ±5°C (RH: 45 to 75 % w/o condensing)
Operating reference range -10 to 50°C (RH: 20 to 80 % w/o condensing)
Limit operating range -15°C to +55°C (RH: 10 to 80 % w/o condensing) (70% at 55°C)
Storage temperature limits -30°C to +60°C
Maximum height 0 to 2000 m
IP protection IP54 according to EN60529

Safety specifications

Class In accordance with EN 61010-1
Category II, pollution 2
Chocks and vibrations EN 61010-1
EMC conformity Immunity:

  • EN 61000-4-2
  • EN 61000-4-3
  • EN 61000-4-5
  • EN 61000-4-6
  • EN 61000-4-11

EN 61000-4-4
Conducted and radiated emissions:

  • EN 55022, class B
  • EN 61000-3-2
  • EN 61000-3-3

Resource & Download

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | AOIP-Cable fault locator (Model: ISOPALM 200).

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