Advantest-Spectrum Analyzer (Model U3641/U3641N)

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The U3641/3641N is a 3-GHz synthesized spectrum analyzer ideal for field use. With a lightweight, compact size and threeway power supply including battery operation, the U3641/ 3641N has been designed specifically for field installation and maintenance applications. In addition, with the inclusion of a synthesized local oscillator, the U3641/3641N allows highprecision and high-stability measurements with a minimum resolution bandwidth of 100 Hz.
A fast zero span sweep speed of 50 µs allows characterization of burst signal rising and falling edges and the measurement of power during on and off periods.
The U3641/3641N are portable analyzers which can be used for maintenance on various aspects of CATV and PHS/PDC.
Ultra-compact and light weight Main unit: 6.9 kg or less With battery: 9 kg or less.
    Frequency range: 9 kHz to 3GHz.
    Display dynamic range: 100 dB.
    Three-way power supply with battery operation. (100/200 VAC, externalDC, and battery pack)
    1.5-hour operation is possible with the specialized battery.
    TFT 6-inch color LCD and memory card.
    High-stability measurement by means of synthesized operation.
    50-µs high-speed sweep function.
    Diverse options and series including.
    TV image/audio demodulation, tracking generator, high-stability reference source, narrow RBW, channel input setting, controller, input impedance of
    50 ohms (U3641) or 75 ohms (U3641N), CDMA Measurement. Variety of measurement functions.
    20-dB gain preamplifier, 1-Hz resolution counter, occupied frequency bandwidth, adjacent-channel leakage power, and audio monitoring.

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | Advantest-Spectrum Analyzer (Model U3641/U3641N).

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