Anritsu- VNA Master (Model:MS2025B)

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  • 2-port, 1-path Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)
  • Intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) with convenient Touch Screen
  • Outstanding calibration stability
  • User-defined overlays for viewing multiple S-Parameters
  • Exceptional RF immunity
  • IF Bandwidth selections of 10 Hz to 100 kHz
  • 100 dB Transmission Dynamic Range
  • 850 µs/data point sweep speed
  • Internal Bias Tee option
  • Vector Voltmeter option, ideal for cable phase matching


Touch-Screen Convenience in
The Race for Affordable S-Parameters—Winner: VNA Master

Modern RF/Microwave systems increasingly are pushing their performance to the limits of technology. Designers write tighter specifications on components and define more rigid signal parameters. All of which leaves Field Maintenance Personnel scrambling to find more accurate and yet affordable handheld test equipment. Anritsu introduces industry's most affordable, yet comprehensive solution, the MS2025B VNA Master (500 kHz to 6 GHz). It's a Vector Network Analyzer, it's a Power Meter and it's a Vector Voltmeter.

It's tempting to think of the VNA Master as the "Swiss Army Knife of S-Parameters". But that would be wrong because while a SAK does many different functions, it doesn't do any one very well. Whereas the VNA Master does many measurements very well. Error-corrected VNA technology brings modern accuracy to the field S-parameters, external power sensors measure transmit power accurately and the Vector Voltmeter option matches cable phase with great precision. Two other available models feature a built-in Spectrum Analyzer.

RF engineers and technicians in the field provide installation and maintenance support for aerospace, defense, and general purpose communication systems around the world. These might typically include radars on Navy ships, communications on Army vehicles, flight-line test on Air Force and commercial jets. They support VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR) antennas in radio navigational systems globally. They will be routinely faced with a wide variety of system elements that can cause failures in the overall system: antennas, cables, filters, multiplexers, amplifiers, isolators, circulators, switches, and other sophisticated elements. The VNA Master, with its new touch-screen display provides the best intuitive measurement control in field diagnostic conditions.

VNA Master also serves in applications such as the problem of fault location in aircraft and shipboard wire cable bundles that snake through bulkheads and compartments. Requires Distance Domain Option. See Application Note in Library Tab. Also, with an ancillary module, ODTF-1, it can also do DTF on fiber optic cables.


Option Description Option Ordering Number
Option 10 Built-in Variable Voltage Bias Tee MS2025B-0010
Option 15 Vector Voltmeter MS2025B-0015
Option 19 High Accuracy Power Meter (Requires USB Sensors, sold separately) MS2025B-0019
Option 31 GPS Receiver (requires GPS antenna, sold separately) MS2025B-0031
Option 411 Ethernet Connectivity MS2025B-0411
Option 501  Distance Domain MS2025B-0501
Option 98  Z-540 Calibration MS2025B-0098
Option 99 Premium Calibration MS2025B-0099


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