Koehler – Kinematic Viscosity Baths ( Model: KV3000 )

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Lưu ý: Tham khảo ý kiến của nhân viên INO sẽ giúp bạn tiết kiệm được thời gian và chi phí khi cần mua sắm. ​​Với sự tư vấn của chúng tôi, bạn sẽ không gặp khó khăn khi tìm hiểu về đặc tính của sản phẩm cần mua.

 Features and Benefits
• Complete instrument and data acquisition system exclusively designed for conducting D445, D2170 and related test methods

• Powerful software system for PC platforms operating in Windows ® 98 SE, 2000, NT, ME, and XP environments

• Microprocessor temperature control between ambient and 150°C (302°F), and down to –20°C (–4°F) with an external chiller

• Integrated digital timing for convenient measurement of sample efflux times

• Dual digital displays show setpoint and actual bath temperature

• Selectable temperature scale – Fahrenheit or Celsius

• Integrated redundant over-temperature and low liquid level cut-off circuitry

• Conforms to ASTM D445, D2170 and related specifications for kinematic viscosity testing
New constant temperature bath series with advanced temperature control circuitry and integrated timing features for convenient, accurate glass capillary viscometry determinations. Microprocessor PID circuitry assures precise, reliable temperature control within ASTM specified tolerances throughout the operating range of the bath. Simple push-button controls and dual digital displays permit easy setting and monitoring of bath temperature. Two place calibration offset capability is provided. Baths accommodate seven glass capillary viscometers of various types. Viewing the viscometers is made easy by glare-free fluorescent illumination inside the bath and a baffle that provides a background for easy viewing. Temperature control uniformity is assured by means of motorized stirrer which provides complete circulation without turbulence. Connection of the built-in cooling coil to tap water or a recirculating water chiller facilitates temperature control at ambient or below ambient temperatures. Communications software (RS232, etc.) ramp-to-set, and other enhanced features are available at additional cost. Contact your Koehler Customer Service representative for more information.

Integrated Timing Features — KV3000 incorporates seven digital timers on the front control panel for convenient timing and monitoring of the efflux interval for each viscometer.

Conforms to: ASTM D445, D2170, D6074, D6158; IP 71, 319; ISO 3104; DIN 51550; FTM 791-305; NF T 60-100

Temperature Range: ambient to 150°C (302°F); –20°C to 150°C (–4°F to 302°F) with an external chiller

Temperature Display: 0.1°C/0.1°F resolution, calibrate to 0.01°C/0.01°F

Temperature Control Accuracy and Uniformity: Exceeds ASTM requirements throughout the operating range

Integrated Timing:
KV3000 — Seven individual start/stop timers with displays to 0.1 seconds, accurate to within 0.01%

Communication: RS232 
Viscometer Ports: Seven round 2" (51mm) ports

Bath Medium: Water or suitable heat transfer fluid

Lưu ý: Nếu một thiết bị nào đó không được liệt kê ở đây, điều đó không có nghĩa rằng chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn về thiết bị đó. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết danh sách đầy đủ về thiết bị mà chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ và cung cấp.
INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD info@ino.com.vn | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | Koehler – Kinematic Viscosity Baths ( Model: KV3000 ).

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