Rohde-schwarz- Test System Versatile Platform (Model:R&S®CompactTSVP)

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Key Facts

  • Comprehensive system approach:
    • System oriented, compact basic unit and modular instruments for DC-, LF- und RF- signals from own production
    • Floating stimulus und measurement technology
    • Optimized signal concept (analog measurement bus, Rear I/O concept)
    • Conceptual solutions to handle high voltages and currents
    • Integration of DUT supply modules and loads
    • Integrated adaptation concept for DUTs
    • System technology allows combination of functional and in-circuit test
    • Wide range of functionality in a compact system design, ideal for in-line applications
  • High test speed (by „intelligent“ modules)
  • Standardized and powerful software modules (GTSL, EGTSL) with simulation and tracing possibilities
  • Support of the operating system Microsoft Windows XP™
  • Integration of cPCI/PXI-Modules from the market without modifiation
  • Integrated selftest secures readiness of system use and allows detailed diagnostics in case of system fault
  • On site calibration possible

Brief Description

The R&S®CompactTSVP family of products is an open test platform based on CompactPCI and PXI and has been developed for high-performance ATE applications. The chassis contains a mechanical frame, digital backplane, analog backplane, mains switching and filtering, power supply and diagnostic extensions.

The R&S®CompactTSVP is offered as a test and measurement platform (R&S®TS-PCA3) and as a switching application platform (R&S®TS-PWA3). Various measurement modules for industrial use in research, development and production are available.

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | Rohde-schwarz- Test System Versatile Platform (Model:R&S®CompactTSVP).