Rohde-schwarz-Vector Network Analyzers (Model:R&S®ZVA )

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Key Facts

  • First VNA
    • With four internal sources up to 67 GHz for fast two-tone measurements on amplifiers and mixers
    • With generation of four phase-coherent signals up to 67 GHz
    • With IF bandwidths up to 30 MHz for pulsed measurements on amplifiers and mixers up to 110 GHz
  • Linear and nonlinear amplifier and mixer measurements
  • Noise figure measurements
  • Pulse profile measurements with 12.5 ns resolution
  • True differential measurements for reliable characterization of active devices with balanced ports
  • High output power typ. > 15 dBm
  • Wide dynamic range typ. > 140 dB
  • High measurement speed < 3.5 μs per test point
  • Wide IF bandwidth: 1/5/30 MHz
  • Versatile calibration techniques: TOSM, TRL/LRL, TOM, TRM, TNA, UOSM
  • Automatic calibration units
  • Phase and group delay measurements on mixers with and without LO access
  • Frequency range: 300 kHz to 8 GHz (R&S®ZVA8), 10 MHz to 24/40/50/67/110 GHz (R&S®ZVA24/40/50/67/110)

Brief Description

The R&S®ZVA series are high-end VNAs with up to four sources for sophisticated measurements up to 110 GHz. They are an ideal choice for demanding measurements on active and passive components and modules, which require high performance and wide versatility. The frequency range of the high-frequency models can be extended up to 500 GHz.

Instrument concept

The R&S®ZVA contains one source for each pair of ports (67 GHz has one source per port). A special switch arrangement allows parallel signal output, i. e. signals can be output to the DUT via all ports at the same time. In addition, direct generator and receiver access is provided optionally. This concept offers many advantages with regard to measurement speed and functionality.

The above design features make the R&S®ZVA an analyzer of unprecedented performance and functionality, which is especially true for the four-port model. Following are a few highlights:

  • Use of the second source as an LO for fast mixer measurements
  • Generation of a swept two-tone signal for fast intermodulation measurements versus frequency or power
  • True differential measurements on balanced DUTs
  • Parallel signal output and measurement at the test ports for measuring two or more DUTs simultaneously.
  • Direct generator / receiver access (option) enabling the following, for example:
    • Loop-in of preamplifiers into generator paths
    • Loop-in of attenuators into the receiver paths
    • Connection of external test setups, e.g. power amplifiers, or use of analyzer as a multichannel receiver, e.g. for antenna measurements


Number of test ports two or four
Frequency range: 300 kHz to 8 GHz ( R&S®ZVA 8)
10 MHz to 24 GHz ( R&S®ZVA 24)
10 MHz to 40 GHz ( R&S®ZVA 40)
10 MHz to 50 GHz ( R&S®ZVA 50)
10 MHz to 67 GHz (R&S®ZVA 67)
10 MHz to 110 GHz (R&S®ZVA 110)
Dynamic range at 10 Hz measurement bandwidth:
Between test ports typ. >140 dB
With direct receiver access typ. >145 dB
Dynamic range at 1 Hz measurement bandwidth with direct receiver access: typ. >150 dB
Output power at test port: >13 dBm, typ. 15 dBm
Power sweep range: >50 dB, typ. 60 dB
IF bandwidth:
Standard 1 Hz to 1 MHz
With R&S ® ZVA-K17 option 5 MHz (10 MHz with restrictions)
With R&S ® ZVA-K7 or R&S ® ZVA-B7 options 10 MHz (30 MHz with restrictions)
Number of channels, diagrams, traces:
Number of test points per trace: 1 to 60001
Measurement time per test point:
At 1 MHz IF bandwidth <3.5 µs
At 5 MHz IF bandwidth (with R&S ® ZVA-K17 option) <2.0 µs
Sampling time per test point:
At 1 MHz IF bandwidth 1.8 µs
At 5 MHz IF bandwidth (with R&S ® ZVA-K17 option) 430 ns
Measurement time (201 test points): 4.5 ms
Operating system: Windows XP Embedded
Data transfer time (201 test points):
Via IEC/IEEE bus <2.9 ms
Via VX11 over 100 Mbit/s LAN <1.3 ms
Via RSIB over 100 Mbit/s LAN <0.7 ms
Switching time:
Between channels <1 ms
Between instrument setups <10 ms

Excellent performance(*)

Wide dynamic range typ. >150 dB
High output power typ. >18 dBm
Large number of test points 60001 points per trace
Wide IF bandwidth typ. 30 MHz with Option ZVA-K7
Internal sources 2 (4-port models), 4 (67 GHz modell with 4 ports)
Lưu ý: Nếu một thiết bị nào đó không được liệt kê ở đây, điều đó không có nghĩa rằng chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn về thiết bị đó. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết danh sách đầy đủ về thiết bị mà chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ và cung cấp.
INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | Rohde-schwarz-Vector Network Analyzers (Model:R&S®ZVA ).

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