Shimadzu-Comprehensive (Model:GCxGC System)

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Comprehensive GC-MS (GCxGC-MS) System is a powerful technique that provides two-dimensional chromatography data acquisition capability.


Shimadzu’s Comprehensive GC-MS (GCxGC-MS) System is suited for a variety of applications, including analysis of complex matrices such as a natural products that are hard analyze by conventional GC or GC-MS, and grouping analysis based on two-dimensional chromatograph patterns.

Application Examples:

Food, Flavor & Fragrance, Environment, Petrochemical etc,


Separation of Overlapping Peaks

Peaks with similar boiling points that could not be separated adequately with one-dimensional chromatography can now be separated based on differences in polarity. This allows analysis of components that previously were difficult to separate in samples with complex matrices.

Separation of Overlapping Peaks

Image Patterns Show Compound Structure

Image Patterns Show Compound Structure
GCxGC provides image patterns that can be correlated to compound structure; this capability is especially useful for grouping analysis of mixtures containing many components.

Analysis of Diesel Oil
The image shows patterns that indicate the number of benzene rings and number of carbons.

Data Analysis Software, GC Image

Specialized GCxGC qualitative-quantitative software, GC Image*, is provided to support analysis of GCxGC data. The GC Image enables direct loading of GC×GC data obtained by GCsolution or GCMSsolution, conversion of the data into two-dimensional images to perform qualitative-quantitative analysis. Grouping and report creation are also easily possible.

Data Analysis Software, GC Image

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 086 9421303 | 02873000184 | Shimadzu-Comprehensive (Model:GCxGC System).

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