Shimadzu- High-end Gas Chromatograph (Model:GC-2010 Plus)

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The GC-2010 Plus enables reliable, high-precision trace analysis with high repeatability, utilizing detectors such as FID and FPD that feature best-in-class sensitivity.
In addition, rapid oven cooling and backflush technology shorten analysis time greatly for significant improvements in productivity.


Trace Amount Analysis

2010 Plus Series of High-Sensitivity Detectors

Demands for higher sensitivity and trace amount analysis are rising as researchers continue to seek the means for developing value-added products and securing high quality assurance. Completely redesigned, Shimadzu FID and FPD detectors achieve the world’s best sensitivity, allowing more trace amount analysis.

Analysis Example: FID-2010 Plus

Best-in-class FID sensitivity has been achieved through thorough cleaning of the detector gas line and by incorporating the latest noise-reduction technology. Following is an analysis example of n-C12, 14, and 16 in n-heptan solution.

Analysis example of n-C12, 14, 16 in n-heptane solution
Minimum detection quantity: 1.5 pgC/s

FID-2010 Plus n-heptan

Analytical conditions Column: ZB-1 Column Temp.: 170 °C Inj. Temp: 250 °C Det. Temp.: 280 °C Detector: FID Injection Method: Split Split ratio: 1:300 Injection Volume: 0.2 µL

Analysis Example: FPD-2010 Plus

With improvements in the inner structure and optics, the new FPD-2010 Plus, which is used for analysis of organic phosphorus compounds and sulfur compounds has been greatly improved. This detector supports analyses that require higher sensitivity, such as trace amount analysis of pesticides and analysis of odor substances. Seen here are two analysis examples: one of phosphorus pesticides and the other of thiophene in benzene.

Analysis example of phosphorus pesticides: 5 ppb
Minimum detection quantity of phosphorus compounds: 55 fgP/s

FPD-2010 Plus

FPD-2010 phosphorus pesticides

FPD-2010 (Previous model)

FPD-2010 Plus phosphorus pesticides

1. Ethoprophos 2. Phorate 3. Thiometon 4. Terbufos
5. Etrimfos 6. Dichlofenthion 7. Dimethoate 8. Tolclophos-methyl
9. Chlorpyrifos 10. Formothion 11. Fenthion (MPP) 12. Fenitrothion (MEP)
13. Isofenphos 14. Phenthoate (PAP) 15. Prothiofos 16. Methidathion (DMTP)
17. Butamifos 18. Sulprofos 19. Fensulfothion 20. EPN
21. Phosmet 22. Pyraclofos

Analysis example: 20 ppb thiophene in benzene
Minimum detection quantity of sulfur compounds: 3 pgS/s

FPD-2010 Plus thiophene

FPD-2010 Plus The dual-focus system has a lens on the interference filter. This lens efficiently condenses the light to a receiver of the photomultiplier.

FPD-2010 Plus Dual Focus System
Functions to improve analytical efficiency and productivity

Rapid oven cooling

graph column oven temperature gc-2010 plus
With the addition of a new cooling fan and superior air flow optimization, the oven cooling speed has been dramatically improved (450 °C -> 50 °C cooling time: 3.4 minutes). Rotation noise is minimal, and when using backflush, analysis time is even faster. Please see the Backflush page for more information.

Self-diagnostic function prevents failure

Useful for confirming proper operation, periodic diagnostics prevent unexpected downtime due to failure of the temperature sensor, control conditions, pressure of supplied gas, etc.

Gas-saver function saves carrier gas consumption

Lowering the split ratio during analysis using split/split-less sample injection decreases the carrier gas consumption by reducing the amount of carrier gas discharged outside from the split circuit.

Example of gas-saver function operation

carrier gas saver function
With this function, the split flow volume decreases from 50 mL/minute to 5 mL/minute one minute after sample introduction. When using an auto-injector with this function, the split flow rate remains constant between the end of analysis and when analysis starts the following day.

Hydrogen joints employ reverse thread to prevent incorrect piping (Safety design)

Tag Plate Hydrogen Line
The reverse thread prevents hydrogen gas from entering detectors via incorrect piping.
The tag indicates the direction of rotation.

Cut on hydrogen nut
The joint for the hydrogen gas has a cut on the nut to distinguish it from a normal joint.

Dual Injection System

GC-2010 Plus Dual Injection System
A dual-injector system can be configured using a combination of two AOC-20i autoinjectors and one AOC-20s autosampler. Two-line simultaneous injection doubles the number of samples, improving productivity.

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