Loop Scanner Calibration Procedure | Rolling Mill Looper Calibration | Industrial Automation Machine
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This is the exclusive video about Loop Scanner Calibration Procedure | Rolling Mill Looper Calibration | Industrial Automation Machine
Credit : Gaurav Neupane (Mechanical Engineer) & Deepak Yadav (Electrical Engineer)
The loop scanner scans constantly a narrow measuring area at an angle of 43 ° if there is any hot material and detects the exact position of wire, sections or rods even through dust and steam.
The main purpose of loop scanner is to give the position of the product between 2 stands in order to control their speed.
Ans : It is done if looper behaves abnormally, if there is fulctuations in stands speeds,
if looper doesn’t sense material properly, if there is variation in looper graph in Trends
NOTE : Looper Calibration Should Be Done Periodically For Better Rolling.
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